The geothermal trenches have been dug and the wells connected. They have subsequently pressure tested the system and filled the trenches back in, which we will have photos of tomorrow. We're hoping all will be up and running sometime next week. The pump and expansion tank for drinking water is being installed along with the water heater, which will get some of its heat through the geothermal system.
Our roofer, who was scheduled to start this week, decided to go for a bike ride and get hit by a car, which resulted in surgery and the search for a new roofer. The tile for our bathrooms, kitchen and foyer has been ordered and we've even met with the rain gutter guy.
All Quiet on the Western Front
A methanol-based refrigerant is pumped through the black tubing
The tubing runs into the shop under the deck before heading into the utility room in the lower barn
The expansion tank for our drinking water