Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The SIPs Have Landed!

Well, the SIPs have arrived and are going up, although the weather is fighting us tooth and nail. We had 4 inches of snow this weekend and it is expected to be wet and rainy all through Thanksgiving and the upcoming weekend. We will all breathe a sigh of relief once the SIPs are all on and the envelope is closed. Then we can dry out.

The drywall-edged foam panels are glued in place with more foam, eliminating future drafts

Future site of the kitchen as well as double french doors (with transom window) to the deck

More kitchen and the future home of the pantry and front closet

The front door, which will be 40" wide with two 12" sidelights and a transom overhead

Collar ties will hold the roof together while a chase just below it will provide a central location for upstairs ductwork and electricity

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