Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Train Keeps Rolling

Only 3 windows to go! Plus the patio doors. And the front door. And that won't arrive until early March. The big back windows were bulky and difficult, not the least because the openings were cut too small, but they're going in and look pretty darn cool. Other than that, we've been talking to some kitchen cabinet guys and starting to think about kitchen and bathroom finishes. The hardieboard siding, which will be horizontal instead of vertical now that some water infiltration issues were brought up, and bathtub are set to be delivered today.

Oscar and Mario hard at work

The front of the house, along with 16' front porch mock-up

The view from Brian and Kattrina's bedroom

An awning window at the end of the hallway upstairs

The South-ish, patio door area

The kitchen loft and proof that Kattrina still exists

A false wall in the bathroom so that the pex coming from the manifold can be bent at a lesser angle

Sunday, January 27, 2008

And I Thought They Looked Good On The Outside

My new desktop wallpaper

Keeping tabs on the In-Laws

The timber across the window adds to the charm

The windows will showcase many a beautiful sunrise

A loft with a view

A look at the (almost) profile

The manifold under the stairs

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Through The Looking Glass

The snow and ice shield is on and the windows are going in! In addition, electric and plumbing work continues and a utility room has been framed out below. We've even picked out our bathroom plumbing fixtures.

The "bronze" cladding on the windows gives them a warm uniqueness

Recessed lights at the peak of the roof will bring the starry night indoors

The current state of the kitchen

The shower is framed out in the upstairs bathroom

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stairway To Heaven

Well, the snow and ice shield was delayed until next week and the windows haven't started going in yet, but the plumbers have arrived and begun their work. In addition, the old floor turned kitchen ceiling has been stained and the lighting has begun to go up into the chase that runs along the peak of the roof.

The stairs are in, with two closets underneath

The beam that blocked across the top of the stairs was cut

The kitchen ceiling gets a coat of stain/boron treatment

Behind the washer and dryer sits a manifold which will disperse the hot and cold water throughout the three clustered bathrooms via pex tubing

Scott's future computer cubby sits on the right and is 44.5" wide

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Windows Delivered, But Stairs Go First

The windows and stairs have arrived! The stair installation will finish today, minus railing and the like, and the windows should start going in tomorrow. The snow and ice shield was scheduled to go down on the roof today, although the weather guy is ironically calling for both snow and ice today, so that might postpone things.

Lincoln windows, in bronze

One of two triple-windows for the back of the barn

The stairs take shape

Kattrina and Brian's shower loses a bit of headroom, thanks to the steps

Oscar and Mario, installing the lowest portion of the steps

Two beams now span the entryway to make way for future lighting possibilities

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Long Time No See

3 weeks have passed, as has vacation. The kitchen loft is going in and all of the framing is pretty much done throughout the house, plus the Raupanel for our radiant floor arrived today. The electricians are working while the plumber and roofer are getting ready and the windows arrive on Tuesday!

The kitchen loft is framed with the old barn floor that was too full of nails to be remilled.

The kitchen loft underside in progress. The joist is made up of the old barn floor as well.

Electric work continues.

The spot where the main horizontal beams upstairs will be cut for a doorway is framed.

Timbers stretch across a void to allow for lighting closer to the workspace.

A space above the upstairs bedroom closet for an air handler and mechanicals.

The vaulted ceiling of the storage room upstairs.